
Showing posts from January, 2013

"Mid way" review

Even though we are well over mid way we had our review today with the head of the service. Was a really nice session. I hadn't felt nervous before hand but when our social worker arrived with head of service I had a slight flutter in my stomach. Every so often in this process there seems to be a big step forward and it is always a little surprising. Everything seems to be in order and it was basically to check in with us at we're happy and I think for her to have an over view of how much paper work is left to go over. It was nice to look back over things we've spoken about to our SW and she was explaining a lot about us to her boss so it was good to hear that she has a good sense of who we are. All very positive. At the end we spoke a little bit out the boy we have been interested in since the prep group. We are being shown his full profile next week! This is a little daunting but amazing at the same time. It will be good for us to read it and know one way or another if...

Session 12 .... Head scramble

Funny session today, we basically went over our Eco map. Writing down who our support network are then talking about how they would physically and emotionally support us once we have a child. It was a nice positive session and was nice to think about post adoption for the first time really. Up to now it has been about our past and who we are but today felt more about what life might be like with a child. We also tied up a few loose ends with references and interviews. Then as our social worker was packing up to leave she casually asked if we had thought anymore about the 10 year old boy we expressed an interest in at the parenting course. I had to admit to thinking about him almost constantly but tried to explain that we are being realistic and trying to manage our expectations. She said that they had had a session with the team and they were talking about him and she said at the end there was hardly a dry eye amongst the social workers! I think he so wants a family and because one...

Session 11 and the start of 2013

We had our first session of 2013 and it was nice to get back into it. Had a sudden realisation that panel is really not that far away and we still have a lot to cover. Time for less chit chat and more staying on topic .... This is unlikely! We are very good at nattering. The only annoying thing about this session is we found out we can only use one of our references as they need to have known one of us for five years. Most of our friends live in London and as they need to be interviewed in person it makes it tricky. We have to have a little think now and find some new ones ASAP. Think the next three months are going to fly by.