"Mid way" review

Even though we are well over mid way we had our review today with the head of the service. Was a really nice session. I hadn't felt nervous before hand but when our social worker arrived with head of service I had a slight flutter in my stomach. Every so often in this process there seems to be a big step forward and it is always a little surprising.

Everything seems to be in order and it was basically to check in with us at we're happy and I think for her to have an over view of how much paper work is left to go over. It was nice to look back over things we've spoken about to our SW and she was explaining a lot about us to her boss so it was good to hear that she has a good sense of who we are. All very positive.

At the end we spoke a little bit out the boy we have been interested in since the prep group. We are being shown his full profile next week! This is a little daunting but amazing at the same time. It will be good for us to read it and know one way or another if we want to peruse him properly once approved. It was also good to talk about possible time scales if it did all work out.

So we are once again wiped out by our session. We've decided to go to the cinema this afternoon rather than heading back to work. I think it is so important to take time after these sessions they can be so draining. It's not just a couple of hours it takes over the whole day.


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