Second opinion

After 17 home visits over 5 months we have just had our last meeting before panel in TEN DAYS!

Second opinion was painless and it is nice to feel really ready for panel. The SW asked a few questions that she had from reading our report and clarified a few areas. She was very friendly and it was good to meet a new SW as ours is retiring after our panel (no reflection on us I hope!)

It is an odd feeling to be at this point. To start with panel seems like some obscure mountain that you never reach the top of. But now we're nearly there. Very much looking forward to it and to the next step.


  1. Just wanted to wish you Good Luck with your panel visit!! I found your blog today whilst searching for some more information on lgbt adoption.
    Hope it all works out well for you!

  2. Thank you! Check out new family social or if you have any questions I'm happy to try and help. Thanks for commenting, nice to know people are reading. Good luck with your journey - whatever route it takes.


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