Child crazy

I have to vent the "child crazy" mood I'm in and dear blog that is why you're here so forgive me but ....

I WANT OUR CHILD - NOW - please and thank you.

Phew. Glad that's out. We're not linked our anything and haven't heard any news for a while but I'm literally obsessed with thinking about having a kid. Our lovely friends from prep group are meeting their two (greedy) sons tomorrow and now schools have broken up our shop is full of young families. I think I freak the kids out by being so catty with them. They ave a look of "dude back off and stop being odd" also with the schools breaking up comes an end to my weekly volunteering at the reception class so I don't even get a morning talking to little ones. I feel like I'm going a loopy.

There is nothing to be done about this apart from get over myself and be logical - today neither of these things are happening.

Anyway that's it - nothing of interest to report apart from my general frustration.

Thanks for listening dear blog, I promise next post will be more positive and optimistic


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