
Haven't updated this for a while as we have had a very busy summer at work and not a very busy time on the adoption front.
Be My Parent is a great resource but its also quiet soulless and disheartening at times. We've made 4 enquiries and received two responses. One the profile doesn't go into the child's medical issues and question marks the other has already been linked. The other two profiles we've heard nothing back from even though I've followed up with a direct email. So looking back on BMP there are 100's of profiles and looking through them is draining.
We also haven't heard much from our SW (it's summer holidays so I get that it'll be quieter). She has said we've been looked at for profiles but because of location not been able to be considered. We know that it will happen but I think we're both getting a little impatient at the mo. it's hard to plan anything at the mo because we don't know what will happen.
I think what this whole process has taught me is that I'm not great at waiting! Must practise patience ....


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