Tough morning

It's been a big day in our house this morning. Ben and I have decided to put our adoption journey on hold for a few months. We are making lots of changes to the structure of our business and both are looking into retraining. We have always maintained that we can juggle the adoption and these changes and in theory we could, but we are both shattered with all the logistics and the financial uncertainty that come with the changes that we know we need to be responsible and step back, it may end up only being for 6 months over this winter but that would be enough to get us going again. It may end up being longer (if we considered retraining fully - I may do a degree?!) but after a long and very emotional talk this morning we feel that we would be ok to wait. We're only 33 and still feel that we have time on our side. It's hard as we have been so focused on adoption for over a year now that stepping back seems a little odd but we know, deep down under the sadness, that this is the best for us and our future child.
We have cancelled our meeting with the social workers from out of county as we didn't want them to waste their journey and have asked that the meeting we were going to have with the in county sw's is just with our SW so we can talk it through with her in person.
As I said it's been a tough morning but ultimately a positive on for our family.


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