2014 - the year of "New"

Forgive the brief hiatus over the past three months but a lot has changed for us and I needed some space away from Adoption whilst I dealt with everything. But now I am back. I have just logged onto NFS for the first time in ages and it was great to be back on there. I think i can see myself getting addicted again.

As the Title of this post says 2014 is, for us , a year of "New"

New home

New Island

New Jobs

New outlook

New Family (hopefully)

Let me explain fully. We were very close to being matched to the amazing young man from out of county. His SW was travelling 2 hours down to see us and I was thinking about him daily. i had started to think about schools and how we were going to sort out work etc. Every time we talked about how it would work there was something nagging at both of us. Adoption is an amazing journey of self exploration and it keeps on giving you new things. We realised that we had created a version of our life that we didn't really want. The shop we spent a year creating was great but we had no interest in Retail or the reality of running it daily. Both of us are creative people and we wanted to build our lives around our passions not do the sensible thing and just "live for the weekend' as it were.

So we juggled the business around and my parents took over the reins and we packed up our little home and put it on a boat before Christmas and we sailed our life to Guernsey. We are converting part of Ben's mums house into a little 2 bed and once that is done and we are set up with jobs we can transfer all our details to an agency here and start the process again. We are still approved so it should only take a couple of meetings with a new SW to get everything going.

Before Christmas I thought I would want to take so time out from adoption and not think about it for a few years. But once we got here, and started to walk the dogs on the beaches I realised how much i still want a family. Ben's memories of the Island in the summer as a kid are so idyllic that I would love to be able to share that with our future child. It will take some time but I hope that by the end of the summer we can get things moving again.

So watch this space - My New Years Wish is to have a child by next Christmas. Lets see if it comes true.


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