Five months on

Hello lovely Blog, oh how I've missed you.

Well these past five months have certainly been a journey. Some much change that my brain is rattling. But we took the plunge yesterday and called Guernsey adoption team to start the ball rolling. More on that in a mo.

We have both now settled into working more creatively and are so much happier than sitting in our lovely little shop. It's also great to watch my parents taking the shop on from strength to strength. The building work on my mother in laws house should start soon so HOPEFULLY by the autumn we will have our separate accommodation. So all is shaping up for us to be ready to get a kid towards the end of the year /early next year. We have both swung dramatically, from not ever wanting children to being so sad that we haven't already got a family, over the past five months. I know at one point I started a sentence about our "freedom" and end up talking about family trips to the beach.

One of the main reasons we have both come back to wanting a child is because we have joined and started to help campaign for marriage equality in guernsey. I read some posts online about the same old rubbish of gays killing family values etc and I realised just how much being a dad means to me and how much I need to see Ben being one too. We have such a loving family to introduce a child into that we can't not do this.

So onto the phone call ..... The basic gist is that it is going to be complicated and will take time but they social worker I spoke to was very lovely, and friendly and didn't personally seem to think it was an issue just that the local laws needed navigating. We know a couple of same sex female couples who have adopted here but the SW er said that they haven't had a same sex male couple yet. I have emailed our old social worker from Cornwall and asked her to send over our PAR, the SW here is going to do some research  and get all the information needed then, hopefully, in a few weeks we will be able to have a meeting and find out how to move forward from here.

I have been catapulted back now to how I felt at the end of last year. My desire to be a dad is huge and I keep imagining life with a child. I woke up in the middle of the night after a dream about a family camping trip. It's funny what the brain does to you.

More regular updates to follow ......


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