next step

Last week we had a meeting with our lovely new social worker here on Guernsey and they now have our report. We had a catch up on the reasons why we have moved and what has changed for us in the last 12 months. Obviously we have rather a lot of "changes" that we need to document so that they can go to a review panel and then we can move on to family finding. Everything sounds very positive and we have some home work to do before we see her again. It is stuff we have done before but obviously we now have different accommodation, jobs and our support network has altered slightly. I think the same people are involved but because of geography we may not rely on some people as much s maybe we would have if we were still in cornwall.

So all is feeling positive and all is moving on. We have stopped looking on Be My Parent for a while - (Ben signed us back up a few months ago) as it is unrealistic to think that when we are ready to look that these young people will still be looking. It was hard looking at profiles again so we are trying to take things slow and relax into the process ..... that is easier said than done!


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