Catch up ....

Finally have a minute to sit down and catch the blog up ... It'd be a crazy week.

Thursday we met the medical adviser, we had to have a meeting before panel - no new information but a little more detail and possible impact of moving on eczema and asthma. Dr also say on the panel so she said there would be a familiar face at panel, it was very nice the next day to recognise someone!

Thursday night we took ourselves to a movie to occupy ourselves - I think one of the most challenging parts of adoption is the waiting, so much of the process is the waiting and you tend to have very little control of the things you are waiting for.

Friday morning we planned to get to panel for 10.30 to be called in at 11 ish. We were early as the waiting was sending us crazy. We met the social workers and the chair and adviser of the panel introduced themselves. We knew there were some questions over the legal issues surround LO moving to the Channel Islands so the adoption teams lawyer was there and panel spoke to her first for about an hour. The end results were that panel weren't happy but agreed to proceed. They then had a discussion about us, then spoke to the social workers then we went in. It was 3.5 hours and we were in the room for about 15 minutes. They asked us some general questions about how we think we can support LO's development etc then it was on to some more waiting.

Finally the chair and adviser came in to say they are extremely happy with the match but they have some big concerns over legal issues and some details of the support plan. Then there was the discussion about introductions ... There are some issues around holidays etc so if the paperwork doesn't get signed off by the middle of next week we won't be able to start intros for three weeks. We are obviously desperate to meet him next weekend and don't want the delay but it is out of our hands now.

We returned home Saturday and we're wiped out so not much was achieved - spent the day in a daze.

Since then we have been finishing of jobs around the house to make sure everything is ready. We are working on the hope that we leave Sunday to start introductions on Monday. If we end up with a two week wait at least everything will be ready and we can relax a little.

We have started to talk to people about him and the adoption more now and it has been odd to start talking about him as our son. It's a lovely and terrifying experience.

Today's the day we should find out the time scale of introductions ... Fingers are going to be firmly crossed all day.


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