Two things off the list

This week we have both had our medicals, very painless, just the basics. Actually it was the first time we've met our dr (lived here for two years but not needed to go yet) he was very nice and didn't bat an eyelid about it being for us to adopt. That was nice!

As joined up to new social network (have to ring to confirm tomorrow) I have never belonged to an lgbt group before and is something I would have probably scoffed at before now. But I see how important it would be for any child to mix with parents who are lgbt. Also I thin the support that it provides is so valuable for us.

Right off home for dinner then we have our next meeting with our social worker tomorrow. I have to finish off talking about my childhood then maybe onto Ben's. we are both up to date on all our "homework" so feeling a little smug.

Will update tomorrow ....

Oh and this week I have been really up and down on the whole idea of having a kid. Reading the two guys adopting blog gives me equal measures of hope and fear ... Today I feel positive and have been thinking about trips to Disney and having valid reasons to watch Pixar films.



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