10th session and a needed breather for Christmas

Last session was a funny one. Ben and I both woke up in a grump, tired and stressed about work, and then had to talk about our ex's and our relationship and the stresses and strains. After SW left we were both wiped out. We tend to meet first thing on a Monday morning and generally the sessions seem to knock us for six for the rest of the day. I would advise anyone to make sure they don't "squeeze" their sessions in between work and give themselves enough time to process what has been talked about.

I'm actually really looking forward to the break in meetings over Christmas. It will be nice to have a breather from it. I can't however stop thinking about how different next Christmas might be. I have to say that I unashamedly love Christmas and the whole ritual of presents, trees and pigging out. Some of my fondest memories of my family are from Christmas. Also thinking about the boy we saw at the prep group and imagining him with us next Christmas. I know I shouldn't fixate on him as we know very little about him or if we would even get matched but I can't help visualising him in our lives. We haven't mentioned it again to SW as I think we need to focus on where we are and not get ahead of ourselves but I can't seem to tell my imagination that.

Here's to a very merry Christmas and an exciting new year.


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