Session 8 & post prep group blues

Slightly unusual session today as we had Ben's mum staying with us so our SW met her and interviewed her.

Firstly we fed back to SW about the prep group and what we had gained from it. Also had to explain that we have come to the conclusion we want to go to panel as planned and that we have even seen a child we are interested in. She listened to everything we had to say and I think understands here we are coming to. I got the sense she wasn't saying everything she thought in as much detail because Ben's mum was there. Have a feeling we'll revisit some of it next week. She did say we shouldn't get our hopes up too much about this boy as we have very little info on him and he may not even be a match for us. It is hard though as he has really to into our heads. Trying to be sensible but it is very hard to get  emotionally involved.

Interview with Ben's mum was done in front of us, although I think it usually is done in private, we had a very open chat and it was nice. Basically what she thinks of us as a couple, as prospective parents and what are our strengths and weaknesses are. All very easy really, think she felt a little like there was a right and wrong answer, which is how I felt on the first couple f sessions. Funny to think how normal the process has made talking in this way.

Both feeling a bit wobbly after prep group, I miss the sense of learning something new and feeling inspired by the people we met. Think it is mainly tiredness but the course was such a great experience that it is strange not doing it.

Another session next week .... Will update again once it's done.


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