Our last proper home visit

We had our last proper meeting yesterday and it feels slightly odd.

We just had to finish off some sections we hadn't spoken about - guardians etc. Also go threw a checklist and our Social worker had to do a check list of the Health and Safety bits of the house. Fire alarms, where we keep our knives lock on the medicine cabinet. All fairly painless. Funny feeling going over formalities with our SW as we have a very relaxed relationship with her.

We also spoke about the 10 year old boy that we have been looking at. We have decided not to go any further with him as he is nearly 11 and will be going to Secondary school next year. It is very hard to say no to him but we know that it is right for us. After doing the observation with our friend 7 year old we both felt that 7 was old let alone 10 - 11. We have put down a preference of 4 - 8 and we and our SW are very pleased with that. I think that the little boy we said no to will always stay with us and turning him down has been very tough. I know we will find a little someone who will be a better match for and it has been really useful to look at a profile so early as it has clarified in our minds what we are looking for.

Next session will be signing paperwork and then reading our PAR. We then have our second opinion and then Panel ..... It is crazy to think we only have a month left really. It seems to have gone very fast. 5 months of visits and only 7 since we first enquired about it.

Will update more as it happens .....


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