This and That

Have been meaning to do an update for a while but we're manic with trying to get our new shop ready to launch this month. We're actually very grateful for having a few weeks "off" from home visits, it means we can now focus on work for a while whilst the report is written up. We should get a copy of it soon to read over so that will be exciting/weird. As I said I think we have been very honest and open with our SW and I think she has a pretty good gauge of us so I doubt there will be any surprises in the report but it will be nice to read her comments. Then we will be booked in for a second opinion meeting and onwards to Panel. Think we are still on for April 17th but it may be May 1st. We're happy either way really.

Also we attended the LGBT Adoption and Fostering Week event put on by Cornwall Council. It was so lovely to spend a few hours talking about adoption. Ben said after it crazy how much we now know about it and the process. Also how much of an opinion we have about it. It has been Five months since we started home visits and it was a really empowering experience to talk to others about how we have found it. We spoke to one lovely  couple for a really long time and I think they found it useful. It obviously wasn't crowded but it is a good thing that the event is there. I also loved that a straight couple came along to ask about Fostering. Nice that they weren't put off by it being an LGBT event.

Onwards to the next post soon ....


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