Update time ... And tiny step forward

FYI This post is mainly going to focus on the idea that I'm trying to be calm and not getting overexcited but I think it's only fair to tell you that the truth is my stomach is in knots and I want to jump around. I have to convince myself I'm calm and what will be will be.

We spoke last week about maybe not looking at BMP for a while as it was getting us down not hearing back about enquires and also we were just getting a bit overwhelmed by it all. We met up with our friends who adopted two boys last month and we spent the morning with them and it was lovely, they have settled into the madness really well and it was so great to see them as a family. But it did make me very sad after. I felt like I needed to make it less of a priority. Hence not posting too much on here either.

But ....... Last Sunday Ben had a glance thru BMP whilst we were having our tea and although I was trying not to engage with it he found a profile of a 4 year old boy who was very cute and his profile sounded more like something we'd be able to cope with. So we made an enquiry and tried(!) to forget about him. Then yesterday, having heard nothing back, I sent a follow up email just saying how keen we were to be considered and if they needed more info to get in touch. And they did this am .... Now they are contacting our SW and hopefully we'll get his report soon. So it's a small step forward. Ben s away for the weekend visiting family so have spoken to him about it and we're trying to stay calm and experience tells us it's a long way off from being anything yet, but it's positive and exciting. So now I written this I can take some deep breaths and get on with my day .... Yeah right! I think I have to limit myself to the amount of times I look at his BMP profile (1already since phone call)

It feels like we just on the long climbing bit at the start of a roller coaster, chugging towards the top then whoosh .......


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