Adoption Link

our adoption journey hasn't really moved forward much this year.we've been struggling trough building work and settling into island life. A few weeks ago we had a message from our  SW about Adoption Link - it seemed like a new and and improved BeMy Parent. We signed up and started looking around. It was nice to finally feel like we were able to be proactive again and we've made a few enquiries and it has a good "shortlisting function so it's nice we can both look at profiles independently and save them there.
Surprisingly a second day of being signed up we were approach about a little one - we've had his report and his social worker is keen to fly to Guernsey to meet us. We've just sat and gone through his report together looking in detail and what is said - and implied in the report .... Now we need to choose if we get his SW to come meet us. A big step forward and a big decision ... The rollercoaster of emotions has started at 100 miles an hour.


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