Another milestone day

Yesterday was a big day, huge .... I still can't process fully the amount of information we had to take in.

We went to K's school to meet him head teacher, his foster carer and his social worker. It was a two hour meeting finding out about his behaviours day to day in school and at home. We found out about his educational needs and the support package that is being offered. We have seen new photos of him, discussed what to put in our introduction book and so much more.

The overwhelming thing that has come from the meeting is how much the adults in his life care for him and love spending time with him, they spoke of how funny he was, how affectionate and bright he is. It was very emotional speaking to his foster carer who said out of all the children she's fostered he is the one she had considered long term fostering if a forever family didn't come along. Saying that she was very supportive of us and super positive about the adoption.

School gave us a very clear picture of his needs that I think we can sort out for him, but again they spoke about how funny he is, how he pushes boundaries but in ways that make the teachers laugh not get angry. He sounds clever, witty and in real need of routine, reassurances and love. The school have been with him all the way through so know him and the birth family very well. They are very happy at the idea of him moving to a different area and having a fresh start.

It is scary to feel so connected to him at this stage. Fingers crossed now that panel goes smoothly and there are no hidden surprises.


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