This just got real

this has been a big week and somewhat overwhelming- I think, whilst being excited, we have been keeping ourselves a little removed or stepped back from the reality of our situation. Our feeling was there were still lots of hurdles to get through and someone may decide we're not a match for LO. However a meeting last Friday with our social worker changed that mindset somewhat, her response to us mentioning these feelings was very much "on no he's yours unless you back out" - step one on raising the reality stakes.

Then this week was the matching meeting where it was agreed that we will go to panel with introductions starting soon after - Step two, three and four on the reality stakes.

This was on Wednesday and since then we have both been feeling very heightened ... Anxious, nervous but also excited and starting to make plans for the summer.

This morning we are off to a primary school to look at a place for him in September (step five) and we have to have our dogs assessed again (not really a step on the reality train just another thing to do).

Finally the building work we're having done looks like the majority of it will be completed this weekend and we can finally sort out our spare room (currently full of boxes) into LO's new bedroom and start taking photos for our introduction book - steps 6, 7 & 8.

I can not describe the amount of contrasting feelings I am having all at once, it is somewhat overwhelming whilst at the same time totally amazing.


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