6th session ....

We had a really nice session yesterday, finishing off Ben's family history. Very relaxed feeling and there is definitely a change I how we feel around SW. She is very positive and seems to be happy with how things are going. We have a week off from visits as we are on holiday in the sun (hopefully) next week. Booked in sessions for when we get back and we have new homework to fill in. Have to do this bit together so should easier.

We talked about reasons why we possibly wouldn't be approved. Sounds silly maybe but I've been wondering about reasons you wouldn't get approved but still go to the panel. SW reassured us that if we go to panel then it means she can see no reason for us to not be approved. We also know we are going to panel in march so is starting to feel a little more real.

I have also ordered some books to read about child development. It is an area that I'm interested anyway having worked with special needs children for seven years. I have held off buying anything for a while but as I said things feel more certain now so thought it best to buy a few books.

We are also telling a few more people about the process now. We had kept it quiet for a. Wile to see how we felt and how it all was going. I have a tendency to get over excited about things and keep seeing things that would be cool for a kids bedroom but am trying to sit on these thoughts and not start investing. Hard though, owning our own retail shop means we get so see a lot of cool products for kids and would be easy to go mad and buy up everything. My resist - for now!


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