Meeting with foster carers

Really lovely meeting with the Foster Carers today, has really helped humanise him and given us an understanding of what day to day life might be like.

Seen videos, more photos, reports from his nursery and been given a very clear understanding of who he is. I guess now is the tough part. Ben and I deal with situations like this very differently so we are going to need a couple of days to mull it over in our own ways and then see where we're at. We both know we'll support each other either way but I think we have a very good picture of him. We have a meeting booked next Thursday with the Dr so we will probably use that as a focus point for making a decision one way or the other. It is too emotionally draining to let it drag on and on. As our friends said about their new son. "You have to Make a choice and stick to it"

At this moment in time I don't know 100% what we'll choose. He is a great child but he will need a high level of support with his additional needs and we need to know for sure we can meet those needs and still feel fulfilled as a family.

Lots of thinking to be done!


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