Update time

Dear blog - firstly let me start by saying sorry for ignoring you. Half term was a busy week and with the sun shining I've not been sitting by a computer in the evenings. So forgive me bit try to understand I was thinking if you.

Now that is out the way I will start updating in order of events.

We got confirmation I an appointment with the psychologist a day or two after my last post and we go to see her next Thursday. This will be to talk over any long term issues to do with developmental delay and attachment.

We have just confirmed that we have a meeting with the boys social worker on Monday morning. This is very exciting as we'll get an up to date idea of how he is settling and what has changed since the last report in his file. I guess this is also the point where she will decide if we are a good match for him! No pressure then. We will also be shown current photos of him from his foster carers

We are waiting on getting a meeting with the medical adviser as well.

Also this week we had dinner with two couples who we met on the prep group. One couple, approved two weeks before us have been matched and approved and meet their son tomorrow. The other couple have a potential match (that is very complicated) and are meeting the children's SW on Monday as well. So it was a pretty intense dinner as everyone is full steam ahead. If we all end up with the children we are looking at as a group we'll have four boys aged 0 -3.5 - which would be cool.

It is very exciting but also quiet terrifying at the same time. Had a moment last night whilst watching the tv of imagining a child sitting and playing on the floor and felt very overwhelmed by a mixture of feelings. People talk about this process as being a roller coaster ride - it really is. I sway from thinking "quick get this boy moved in" to "no way am I ready for this"

Think it's important that we stay calm about next week and we're lucky we ave a family birthday party to go to to take our minds off if it.

More updates once SW has been.


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