
Had a great meeting with the psychologist - we met her at the prep group and thought then how amazing she was and after an hour with her today we think she is even more amazing. Completely explained everything clearly, with humour and with a sense of reality. Beautiful metaphor about this child being on an emotional island  that he is self sufficient and in control and someone just needs to help him get off the island (asd child would never get off it) Without saying so directly she doesn't think he has autism as he has started to make secure attachment to foster carers and he is starting to play and be interested in other children at play group. Really good to find out more about repairing a child's brain and that it is possible to repair them emotional (maybe not fully but partially)

Also when getting out of the car tonight we bumped into our friend int he village who has an adopted boy about the same age as the boy we are looking at. It was really good to chat to her and she said some small things that resonated with us. Se didn't have a strong connection to the photos (although now she looks at them and does) but when she watched a video she really felt it. We are meeting the foster carers tomorrow morning and I think we are going to try and connect to our emotions a little more and stop being so analytical of the "issues".

More tomorrow.


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